Error de Password Expirado

Cuando se genera el error

ORA-28002: the password will expire within 7 days
28002. 00000 -  "the password will expire within %s days"
*Cause:    The password of the user's account has expired. Since the user's
           account is associated with a password profile with a limited
           password grace period and grace period is yet to elapse, the user
           will not be prompted to input a new password and ORA-28002 warning
           message will continue to be displayed upon each successful login
           to the user account, until the user changes their password.
           Once the grace period elapses, the password will expire and user
           login will start failing with ORA-28001 error, until the user
           changes their password.
*Action:   Change the password or contact the database administrator.
Código de proveedor 28002



Primero vemos el nombre del container

docker ps -a

luego ejecuta

docker exec -it 2b2c75a38833 bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus /nolog"

Nos muestra la consola SQL>

Ahora para Conectarse a la base de datos

connect sysPL as SYSDBA

el password es:



 alter profile "DEFAULT" limit password_life_time unlimited;

Luego para indicar el numero de días de gracia para el password

alter profile "DEFAULT" limit password_grace_time 500;

Cambiar la contraseña del usuario

 alter user <nombreusuaro> identified by <nuevopassword>;

Luego ejecute

alter profile "DEFAULT" limit password_life_time unlimited;
alter profile "DEFAULT" limit password_grace_time 500;
alter user <user> identified by <nuevopassword>;

Last updated