Brownies Collections

Brownies Collections complements the Java Collections Framework. The


sections contains an illustration to give you an overview of all the available functionality.

GapListcombines the strengths of both ArrayList and LinkedList. It is implemented to offer both efficient random access to elements by index (as ArrayList does) and at the same time efficient adding and removing elements to and from beginning and end (as LinkedList does). It also exploits the locality of reference often seen in applications to further improve performance, e.g. for iterating over the list.

  • BigListis a list optimized for storing large number of elements. It stores the elements in fixed size blocks so for adding and removing only few elements must be moved. Blocks are split or merged as needed and maintained in a tree for fast access. Copying a BigList is very efficient as it is implemented using a copy-on-write approach.

  • Both GapList and BigList have been designed to be used asdrop-in replacementfor ArrayList, LinkedList or ArrayDeque by offering all their methods. Additionally many more helpful methods are available provided by the common abstract class IList.

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